Is Your AC System Failing to Keep Up?
Vapor compression, electrical, water drainage, computer technology and air quality — your air conditioner utilizes and links together an array of mechanics and properties to cool your home.
As an A/C system ages or if it isn’t well maintained, a lot can go wrong. Following are warning signs that indicate your AC system is failing to keep up and you need AC repair or it needs to be replaced.
Strange Noises
With a compressor, blower motor and airflow, air conditioners make noise — some more than others. If you hear any of these unusual noises, your A/C system needs immediate attention:
Droning: Laborious droning and whirring noises from your outdoor unit indicate significant compressor problems.
Grinding: Grinding and screeching noises from the indoor air handler or outdoor unit are telltale signs of a failing blower motor.
Clicking: If your A/C system won’t turn on and makes a rapid clicking noise, you have electrical problems to contend with.
Duct noises: Rattling, clamoring, whooshing and even banging noises from the air vents are usually caused by problems with ductwork design. Take care of duct problems before they affect your A/C system.
Too Many Repairs
When you’re uncomfortable, there’s no such thing as a small A/C repair. However, if your A/C has needed frequent repairs in recent years, you may be better off upgrading to a new A/C unit with a warranty. Talk to your A/C technician about lifetime costs of different A/C models. The lifetime cost is your estimated investment for the A/C purchase, installation, energy usage and maintenance from day one to the end of its useful service life.
Poor Performance, High Energy Bills
With so many interlinking systems, one unresolved A/C problem often causes another… and another. For example, an old compressor may cause ice to accumulate on the evaporator. Leaky air ducts make your A/C work harder. In both instances, your home comfort suffers, energy bills increase and other A/C parts may begin to fail. Sooner or later, you’ll need to replace your A/C system. Start planning your new system by working with reputable HVAC professionals at Cool Connections, Inc.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Greater Jacksonville, Florida area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
Cool Connections, Inc. is a locally owned and operated business. We have thousands of customers and the experience for HVAC service, repair, and installations for furnaces, heat pumps, air conditioning (AC), and air quality systems. Be sure to Contact Cool Connections, Inc. in Jacksonville, Florida for all your air conditioning and heating needs. (904) 908-5252
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