Is My Jacksonville, FL, Heat Pump Compressor Faulty?

When the heat pump in your Jacksonville, FL, home is no longer keeping your home comfortable, one common cause of the issue is a bad compressor. Below are some signs that can help guide you as you try to determine whether the heat pump compressor is faulty.

Odd, Loud Noises or None at All

Normally, when a heat pump is running and working properly, you may hear a low humming noise coming from the system. However, when the compressor is starting to fail, it may make screeching noises as it struggles to function. These sounds are often accompanied by vibrations.

In contrast, you may also find that the system isn’t making the humming noise that you have become accustomed to hearing. Either way, hearing something unusual is a sign that something could be amiss.

Constant Overheating

When there’s damage to the surface of the compressor or the surface has dust, dirt and grime, the exchange of hot and cold air becomes blocked. When there’s a disruption to the flow of air exchange, the compressor may start to constantly overheat after running for more than a few minutes. Scheduling regular maintenance on your home’s heat pump can help prevent this buildup of dirt.

Refuses to Turn On

When the compressor is failing, you may find that the heat pump refuses to turn on at all or only comes on intermittently. A malfunctioning compressor may trigger the safety switch, which will keep the system from coming on. Since refusal to turn on is a sign of other problems within the heat pump, you should have a repair service technician determine the definitive cause of the issue.

Our professionals at Cool Connections, Inc. have provided heat pump repair services to customers in the Jacksonville area since 2009, so contact us today to schedule an appointment. We can troubleshoot and fix the problems with your home heat pump’s compressor.

Image provided by iStock

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